OÖ Podcast: Bunte Steine – was bleibt, 18.03.2021
Danach (never comes) #01, 17.03.2021
Wie wird 2021?, Talkreihe, Jänner 2021
Summer Exhibtion Artist Talks, Schlossmuseum Linz, 18.8.-3.9.2020
Wem gehört das Museum?, Livestreams, 26.5.-7.7.2020
Reality in Motion, Livestreams, 6.-28.04.2020
During the Corona lockdown I did a series of online talks with artists and culture professionals to talk about their life and work in the current situation.
The videos show the effects on cultural life and the people responsible for it and remain as a document.
My guests were Katharina Acht & Franziska Thurner (episode #1), Thomas Diesenreiter & Adelheid Rumetshofer (episode #2), Christine Dollhofer & Gregor Graf (episode #3) and Mefjus & Claudia Czimek (episode #4).